Genesis College meets on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.  This event rotates with Bible Study, Game Nights and Outings. Each month is posted here, on and on our social media platforms (Insta & FB - @GCTVCollege for both). Our Student Experience is for all any collegiate-aged young adult whether in college or not.  We have everyone from Freshman to Young Adults getting their doctorates.

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EVERYTHING WE DO is to build relationships. Community is a fantastic way to get closer to God and to find godly friends. Join our YA & Genesis College family every Thursday night! We're saving you a seat!


We like to mix it up with our YA & College Night Experiences…

Most Monday nights we will have planned Bible studies, snacks, drinks, and group discussions. But we also have a ton of fun other Monday nights or different days of the week doing activities like Bowling, Escape Rooms, Arcades, District 850, Ax Throwing — and going out to eat together as well.

Those getting their career started & College Students from all colleges are welcome here as we encourage growth throughout our community here in the Tallahassee area.